Linkin Park


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Hybrid Theory
Lyrics: Meteora
Lyrics: Hybrid Theory
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   Meteora was released on [03.25.03] it was a great day.
   I started out that school day, getting up very early eagerly anticipating buying the new CD. I got up about 5:00 and got ready to go. I drove to Wal*Mart where for some reason they wern't open yet. I went up to the automatic door and knocked...Someone came and said they were just opening, I ran to the electronics department(literally) and I looked on the new music section, Meteora wasn't there. I looked down each CD section, and I didn't see it. I went up to the guy working electronics and said, "Where the heck is the new Linkin Park CD"?
He had to go to the back, and he came back with a huge box, he opened it and revealed a ton of Meteora CD's. He handed me one, I went right to the checkout counter. He rang it up and it said $14.97, he said lets see if we can get it for less, he seemed impressed that I was there that early in the morning to buy the CD. He ended up ringing it up for $10.99. I thanked him and ran to my car and started listening to it, I drove to school. I walked in school and showed off my new CD!! Everyone loved it and I got to let a few people listen to a little of it with my walkman CD player...They wanted to go buy it....And alot of people there bought it now...